Writing a Linux Debugger Part 5: Source and signals

on under c++

In the the last part we learned about DWARF information and how it can be used to read variables and associate our high-level source code with the machine code which is being executed. In this part we’ll put this into practice by implementing some DWARF primitives which will be used by the rest of our debugger. We’ll also take this opportunity to get our debugger to print out the current source context when a breakpoint is hit.

Series index

  1. Setup
  2. Breakpoints
  3. Registers and memory
  4. Elves and dwarves
  5. Source and signals
  6. Source-level stepping
  7. Source-level breakpoints
  8. Stack unwinding
  9. Handling variables
  10. Advanced topics

Setting up our DWARF parser

As I noted way back at the start of this series, we’ll be using libelfin to handle our DWARF information. Hopefully you got this set up in the first post, but if not, do so now, and make sure that you use the fbreg branch of my fork.

Once you have libelfin building, it’s time to add it to our debugger. The first step is to parse the ELF executable we’re given and extract the DWARF from it. Make these changes to debugger:

class debugger {
    debugger (std::string prog_name, pid_t pid)
         : m_prog_name{std::move(prog_name)}, m_pid{pid} {
        auto fd = open(m_prog_name.c_str(), O_RDONLY);

        m_elf = elf::elf{elf::create_mmap_loader(fd)};
        m_dwarf = dwarf::dwarf{dwarf::elf::create_loader(m_elf)};

    dwarf::dwarf m_dwarf;
    elf::elf m_elf;

open is used instead of std::ifstream because the elf loader needs a UNIX file descriptor to pass to mmap so that it can map the file into memory rather than reading it a bit at a time.

Debug information primitives

Next we can implement functions to retrieve line entries and function DIEs from PC values. We’ll start with get_function_from_pc:

dwarf::die debugger::get_function_from_pc(uint64_t pc) {
    for (auto &cu : m_dwarf.compilation_units()) {
        if (die_pc_range(cu.root()).contains(pc)) {
            for (const auto& die : cu.root()) {
                if (die.tag == dwarf::DW_TAG::subprogram) {
                    if (die_pc_range(die).contains(pc)) {
                        return die;

    throw std::out_of_range{"Cannot find function"};

Here I take a naive approach of just iterating through compilation units until I find one which contains the program counter, then iterating through the children until we find the relevant function (DW_TAG_subprogram). As mentioned in the last post, you could handle things like member functions and inlining here if you wanted.

Next is get_line_entry_from_pc:

dwarf::line_table::iterator debugger::get_line_entry_from_pc(uint64_t pc) {
    for (auto &cu : m_dwarf.compilation_units()) {
        if (die_pc_range(cu.root()).contains(pc)) {
            auto &lt = cu.get_line_table();
            auto it = lt.find_address(pc);
            if (it == lt.end()) {
                throw std::out_of_range{"Cannot find line entry"};
            else {
                return it;

    throw std::out_of_range{"Cannot find line entry"};

Again, we find the correct compilation unit, then ask the line table to get us the relevant entry.

The additional piece of infrastructure we need is an offset_load_address function. Remember that the program counter is using addresses based on where the binary was loaded, but the original binary may be position-independent and be using offsets as addresses. As such, we may need to offset the program counter so it’s using the right base.

We’ll update debugger::run to find the load address of the program after the debuggee launches successfully:

void debugger::run() {

Add a uint64_t m_load_address; member to the debugger type, then we can set it in initialise_load_address like so:

void debugger::initialise_load_address() {
   //If this is a dynamic library (e.g. PIE)
   if (m_elf.get_hdr().type == elf::et::dyn) {
      //The load address is found in /proc/<pid>/maps
      std::ifstream map("/proc/" + std::to_string(m_pid) + "/maps");

      //Read the first address from the file
      std::string addr;
      std::getline(map, addr, '-');

      m_load_address = std::stoi(addr, 0, 16);

I’m cheating by reading the first address from the file. We should really check to ensure that that address corresponds to the binary we’re looking for instead of some other dynamically-loaded library, but since we’ve disabled address space layout randomization, the first entry is the one we need. If you find the load address is wrong, check the maps to ensure that this is the case.

offset_load_address then subtracts the load address from whatever address we’re given:

uint64_t debugger::offset_load_address(uint64_t addr) {
   return addr - m_load_address;

Printing source

When we hit a breakpoint or step around our code, we’ll want to know where in the source we end up.

void debugger::print_source(const std::string& file_name, unsigned line, unsigned n_lines_context) {
    std::ifstream file {file_name};

    //Work out a window around the desired line
    auto start_line = line <= n_lines_context ? 1 : line - n_lines_context;
    auto end_line = line + n_lines_context + (line < n_lines_context ? n_lines_context - line : 0) + 1;

    char c{};
    auto current_line = 1u;
    //Skip lines up until start_line
    while (current_line != start_line && file.get(c)) {
        if (c == '\n') {

    //Output cursor if we're at the current line
    std::cout << (current_line==line ? "> " : "  ");

    //Write lines up until end_line
    while (current_line <= end_line && file.get(c)) {
        std::cout << c;
        if (c == '\n') {
            //Output cursor if we're at the current line
            std::cout << (current_line==line ? "> " : "  ");

    //Write newline and make sure that the stream is flushed properly
    std::cout << std::endl;

Now that we can print out source, we’ll need to hook this into our debugger. A good place to do this is when the debugger gets a signal from a breakpoint or (eventually) single step. While we’re at this, we might want to add some better signal handling to our debugger.

Better signal handling

We want to be able to tell what signal was sent to the process, but we also want to know how it was produced. For example, we want to be able to tell if we just got a SIGTRAP because we hit a breakpoint, or if it was because a step completed, or a new thread spawned, etc. Fortunately, ptrace comes to our rescue again. One of the possible commands to ptrace is PTRACE_GETSIGINFO, which will give you information about the last signal which the process was sent. We use it like so:

siginfo_t debugger::get_signal_info() {
    siginfo_t info;
    ptrace(PTRACE_GETSIGINFO, m_pid, nullptr, &info);
    return info;

This gives us a siginfo_t object, which provides the following information:

siginfo_t {
    int      si_signo;     /* Signal number */
    int      si_errno;     /* An errno value */
    int      si_code;      /* Signal code */
    int      si_trapno;    /* Trap number that caused
                              hardware-generated signal
                              (unused on most architectures) */
    pid_t    si_pid;       /* Sending process ID */
    uid_t    si_uid;       /* Real user ID of sending process */
    int      si_status;    /* Exit value or signal */
    clock_t  si_utime;     /* User time consumed */
    clock_t  si_stime;     /* System time consumed */
    sigval_t si_value;     /* Signal value */
    int      si_int;       /* POSIX.1b signal */
    void    *si_ptr;       /* POSIX.1b signal */
    int      si_overrun;   /* Timer overrun count;
                              POSIX.1b timers */
    int      si_timerid;   /* Timer ID; POSIX.1b timers */
    void    *si_addr;      /* Memory location which caused fault */
    long     si_band;      /* Band event (was int in
                              glibc 2.3.2 and earlier) */
    int      si_fd;        /* File descriptor */
    short    si_addr_lsb;  /* Least significant bit of address
                              (since Linux 2.6.32) */
    void    *si_lower;     /* Lower bound when address violation
                              occurred (since Linux 3.19) */
    void    *si_upper;     /* Upper bound when address violation
                              occurred (since Linux 3.19) */
    int      si_pkey;      /* Protection key on PTE that caused
                              fault (since Linux 4.6) */
    void    *si_call_addr; /* Address of system call instruction
                              (since Linux 3.5) */
    int      si_syscall;   /* Number of attempted system call
                              (since Linux 3.5) */
    unsigned int si_arch;  /* Architecture of attempted system call
                              (since Linux 3.5) */

I’ll just be using si_signo to work out which signal was sent, and si_code to get more information about the signal. The best place to put this code is in our wait_for_signal function:

void debugger::wait_for_signal() {
    int wait_status;
    auto options = 0;
    waitpid(m_pid, &wait_status, options);

    auto siginfo = get_signal_info();

    switch (siginfo.si_signo) {
    case SIGTRAP:
    case SIGSEGV:
        std::cout << "Yay, segfault. Reason: " << siginfo.si_code << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Got signal " << strsignal(siginfo.si_signo) << std::endl;

Now to handle SIGTRAPs. It suffices to know that SI_KERNEL or TRAP_BRKPT will be sent when a breakpoint is hit, and TRAP_TRACE will be sent on single step completion:

void debugger::handle_sigtrap(siginfo_t info) {
    switch (info.si_code) {
    //one of these will be set if a breakpoint was hit
    case SI_KERNEL:
    case TRAP_BRKPT:
        set_pc(get_pc()-1); //put the pc back where it should be
        std::cout << "Hit breakpoint at address 0x" << std::hex << get_pc() << std::endl;
        auto offset_pc = offset_load_address(get_pc()); //rember to offset the pc for querying DWARF
        auto line_entry = get_line_entry_from_pc(offset_pc);
        print_source(line_entry->file->path, line_entry->line);
    //this will be set if the signal was sent by single stepping
    case TRAP_TRACE:
        std::cout << "Unknown SIGTRAP code " << info.si_code << std::endl;

There are a bunch of different signals and flavours of signals which you could handle. See man sigaction for more information.

Since we now correct the program counter when we get the SIGTRAP, we can remove this coded from step_over_breakpoint, so it now looks like:

void debugger::step_over_breakpoint() {
    if (m_breakpoints.count(get_pc())) {
        auto& bp = m_breakpoints[get_pc()];
        if (bp.is_enabled()) {
            ptrace(PTRACE_SINGLESTEP, m_pid, nullptr, nullptr);

Testing it out

Now you should be able to set a breakpoint at some address, run the program and see the source code printed out with the currently executing line marked with a cursor.

Next time we’ll be adding the ability to set source-level breakpoints. In the meantime, you can get the code for this post here.

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