Template argument deduction for class template constructors

on under c++

Have you ever found yourself writing std::make_pair or std::make_move_iterator and wondering why we need a helper function to create these objects for us? The answer is a lack of template argument deduction for class template constructors. Consider a simple pair class:

template <typename T, typename U>
struct pair {
    T t;
    U u;

    pair (const T& t, const U& u) : t{t}, u{u} {}

Since there’s no argument deduction for that constructor, we need to explicitly specify the template arguments when constructing the pair, like pair<int,float> a {0, 42.42};. It would be handy to be able to write pair a {0, 42.42};, but that’s not currently possible. The common solution is to supply a helper function which does the deduction for you:

template <typename T, typename U>
pair<T,U> make_pair (const T& t, const U& u) {
    return {t,u};

Now we can write auto p = make_pair(0, 42.42);. However, this isn’t a particularly attractive option. It means you have different ways of constructing class template specializations and normal classes, you’ll often need to look at the documentation to see if it’s doing anything other than constructing the object, non-copyable and non-moveable classes become a pain, etc. It would be better if we could just deduce the template arguments in the constructor.

Fortunately, this feature is coming in C++17! This will let us avoid the make_ functions and just construct the objects directly:

pair a{0, 42.42};
std::tuple t{"hi", 15, std::vector<int>{}};

This feature is supported through a new concept known as deduction guides, which tell the compiler how to deduce template arguments for the template class from the constructor arguments. These can be implicitly synthesized, or explicitly specified.

Implicitly synthesized deduction guides

Deduction guides can be generated from existing constructors without any programmer guidance, so long as they’re simple enough.

A good rule of thumb is this: If all of your constructors’ parameter lists include all of the class template parameters in deducible contexts, you don’t need to do anything.

Take our pair example from earlier. The constructors for pair – including the compiler-generated ones – are as follows:

template <typename T, typename U>
struct pair {
    pair (const T& t, const U& u);
    pair (const pair<T,U>&);
    pair (pair<T,U>&&);

In all three of those cases, both of the template arguments for pair (T and U) are deducible from the constructor parameters, so we don’t need to do anything. The following code will work out-of-the-box1:

pair a {0, 42.42};
pair b = a;
pair c = std::move(b);

If your class doesn’t fulfil the criteria for implicit deduction guides and you still want to deduce the class template arguments automatically, you can give your compiler a bit of help.

Explicitly specified deduction guides

Deduction guides can be explicitly specified to tell the compiler how to work out the template arguments from the constructor arguments if they can’t be simply matched together.

Say we have a simple vector class and want to construct a vector from the first three elements of another. We could do this:

template <typename T>
struct vector {
    vector (std::initializer_list<T> a);
    template <typename Iter>
    vector (Iter start, Iter end);
    T* begin();
    T* end();

vector a({1,2,3,4,5,6,7}); // Uses implicit deduction guide
auto it = a.begin();
vector b(it, it+3);        // Implicit guide will not work

Looking back at my rule of thumb from before, the second constructor cannot deduce T, so we need to provide an explicit deduction guide. This looks like the following:

template<typename Iter> 
vector(Iter b, Iter e) -> vector<typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type>;

The above deduction guide says that the constructor for vector taking two Iters deduces the template argument to be typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type. For int*, that’s just int. When the compiler sees vector b(it, it+3);, it instantiates the deduction guide with int* as the template argument, and deduces vector<int> as the type of b.

Does this mean that make_ functions are useless? No.

Although this feature removes most of the need for these helpers, there are still some cases where you should prefer the make_ function. Two of those are std::make_unique and std::make_shared. These helpers allow you to hide the use of bare new, improve your exception safety, and – in the case of std::make_shared – coalesce the allocations for the control block and pointee data.

Use template deduction for template classes in most cases, but be aware of edge cases and the few places in which make_ helpers are the better choice.

That covers the basics of template argument deduction for class template constructors. If you want to read more, you can have a look at the proposal for this feature. I think this is a welcome addition to C++ which removes another of the myriad pitfalls and inconsistencies in the language. Let me know in the comments if you agree or disagree!

  1. Of course, you could use auto for b and c, this is just for purposes of demonstration. 

c++, c++17
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